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新规格,新价格!更实惠!更有效! 现在换了规格,一包15天份量!更加经济实惠! 2包/30天Rm60, 4包/60天RM110,6包/90天 RM150。 Now we have changed our packaging and price! One pack is for 15 days! More affordable! 2 pack/30 days RM60, 4 pack/60 days RM110, 6 pack/90 days RM150. =================================== Eliminate toxin in body 排毒养颜 Improve blood circulation 血液循环 Nerve pain 神经痛 Gout 痛风 Diabetes 糖尿病 High Blood Pressure 高血压 Eliminate bad body choloresterol and fat 排血脂和坏的胆固醇 Regulate hormones in both female and male 调理荷尔蒙 Hemorrhoids (Constipation problem) 痔疮 Migraine (Headache) 偏头痛 PMS (cramp) 月经生理疼痛 Backache 腰酸背痛 Restore Vitality 增加活力 Sleeping problem 睡眠问题 Contract women womb after delivery 产后子宫收缩 Joint Pain 关节痛 Flu 感冒

Make your body easy to slim type, 培养易瘦体质! 功效1:瘦身排毒,消除水肿, 修饰身体自然曲线 人体内的毒素垃圾有很多种,中医理论中主要包括水毒、脂毒、淤毒、痰毒、气毒、火毒等。其中和肥胖关系最大的是水毒和脂毒。 金榕叶的天然成分可以有效的提高身体新陈代谢率, 消除身体积水, 有消食除胀、利大小便和清热解毒的功效。 同时, 金榕叶可以通过修护肝脏功能, 增强肝脏代谢能力, 让身体的自然排毒管道时刻保持畅通, 从而慢慢改善体质, 对修饰身体自然的苗条曲线有至关重要的作用。 功效2:调理月事不畅,平衡女性内分泌,护肤养颜 金榕叶可以很好的平衡女性内分泌,调解雌激素分泌紊乱的问题; 舒解月事不畅的痛苦; 帮助身体解除便秘的困扰, 增强新陈代谢的能力, 帮助身体自然排毒,改善皮肤微循环,清热、散瘀、消化沉积色素,面部斑块变淡消失,让女性肌肤嫩白红润,光彩照人,焕发青春活力,达到很好的护肤和养颜效果,施展女性魅力。 功效3:收缩子宫, 产后调理 产后100天是妇女心理最脆弱、生理最虚弱的时期,也是女性生理机能恢复的最佳时期,在这段时间恢复的好不好关系到终生健康。 金榕叶的天然有效成分,可以帮助产后妇女腹部肌肉及子宫收缩,亦可以帮助剖腹产后的伤口快速愈合。 防止腹部松弛下垂,促进瘀血的消散。对妇女产后子宫收缩有天然的辅助作用。 功效4:降低胆固醇,降低血脂 心血管就像赛车道一样,时刻保持通畅状态,才能保障良性循环。 然而,过量的胆固醇和甘油三酯沉积在血管壁上,会堵塞血管,引起血管动脉粥样硬化,最终诱发各种心脑血管疾病。 金榕叶的天然有效成分,可分别降低血液中的胆固醇和甘油三酯水平,进而降低血脂,让血液畅行无阻。对血液系统、心脑血管系统、代谢系统等具有良好的生理调节作用。 功效5:自然调理, 轻松解决便秘问题

I have drank it 3 days, not bad. The weight not yet go down, but I can feel face and tummy got slim. Last time when do work too long got that kind of feeling like cannot breathe but it has increase my working effecciency. Good business A Romantic Shop, Happy New Year!

Email from customer: Mistletoe slimming tea will make women have libido or not? Cause I find myself have more libido after drinking for 2 weeks.

网友分享喝了金榕叶月经没有拖尾,而且脾气好了。 I have tried mistletoe slimming tea for a week, just when I am having period. Normally I will have bad water retention and bad tempered around then, but this time my husband say my mood seems to be better. I feel a bit contraction while drinking, seller say its because of it helps my uterus to contract. Last time my period will drag for 2 weeks, but it has ended clean and nice. Slimming effect is not bad to me, because I am water retension type so its quite obvious. Water retension can make ones look like 5kg heavier!

网友分享关于金榕叶的效果瘦了2kg。 Translation: Don't worry to get fat after give birth, feed more breast milk and balance your hormone will get slim very fast. Last time when I still breast feeding my weight drop slimming than before give birth. But then I took the hormone medicine to stop breast milk, then hormone very messy until period not regular. Feel very very and even drink water can gain weight. So please don't take hormone medicine. I want to introduce you to find Mistletoe Slimming Tea, I have been drinking for one week and lose 2kg, it is not a lot of kg but I feel light, slimmer and more energetic, it is quite affordable also, so why don't give it a try!

喝了金榕叶 我真的瘦了 肚腩小了 排便也特别顺畅哦·~


月经问题有起色! 朋友说看起来瘦了~



Shero Mistletoe Slimming Tea helps regulate period. 金榕叶解决经期不准的问题。。。 喝了金榕叶一个月经期准了 回来再买~~





金榕叶调理茶 Mistletoe Slimming Tea

2包/30天Rm60, 4包/60天RM110,6包/90天 RM150。

Now we have changed our packaging and price! One pack is for 15 days! More affordable!
2 pack/30 days RM60, 4 pack/60 days RM110, 6 pack/90 days RM150.
Eliminate toxin in body 排毒养颜
Improve blood circulation 血液循环
Nerve pain 神经痛
Gout 痛风
Diabetes 糖尿病
High Blood Pressure 高血压
Eliminate bad body choloresterol and fat 排血脂和坏的胆固醇
Regulate hormones in both female and male 调理荷尔蒙
Hemorrhoids (Constipation problem) 痔疮
Migraine (Headache) 偏头痛
PMS (cramp) 月经生理疼痛
Backache 腰酸背痛
Restore Vitality 增加活力
Sleeping problem 睡眠问题
Contract women womb after delivery 产后子宫收缩
Joint Pain 关节痛
Flu 感冒

Make your body easy to slim type, 培养易瘦体质!
功效1:瘦身排毒,消除水肿, 修饰身体自然曲线

金榕叶的天然成分可以有效的提高身体新陈代谢率, 消除身体积水, 有消食除胀、利大小便和清热解毒的功效。

同时, 金榕叶可以通过修护肝脏功能, 增强肝脏代谢能力, 让身体的自然排毒管道时刻保持畅通, 从而慢慢改善体质, 对修饰身体自然的苗条曲线有至关重要的作用。


金榕叶可以很好的平衡女性内分泌,调解雌激素分泌紊乱的问题; 舒解月事不畅的痛苦;

帮助身体解除便秘的困扰, 增强新陈代谢的能力, 帮助身体自然排毒,改善皮肤微循环,清热、散瘀、消化沉积色素,面部斑块变淡消失,让女性肌肤嫩白红润,光彩照人,焕发青春活力,达到很好的护肤和养颜效果,施展女性魅力。

功效3:收缩子宫, 产后调理








功效5:自然调理, 轻松解决便秘问题

Effect 1: Slimming, detoxification, elimination of edema, improves your body’s natural contour.

Mistletoe Slimming Tea promotes better liver functions, strengthen the liver’s metabolism that promotes optimal liver functioning that supports the body’s natural ability to break down and eliminate fat for a full body toxin cleanse. It gradually improves your physical fitness and maintain body’s natural contour towards slim and slander figure.

Effect 2: Improves women’s menstruation cycle and uncomfortable, balance endocrine and improves skin complexion.

Mistletoe Slimming Tea serves as the best female endocrine medication as it effectively control hormonal imbalance, improves estrogen secretion disorder problems thus ease the suffering of period pain
It ease constipation problem and naturally detoxify your body to improve skin micro-circulation thus reducing pigmentation and freckels while improving your body’s metabolism rate to maintain a youthful and radiant glow.

Effect 3: Suitable for post-natal care, promotes womb contraction after birth.

The first 6 – 8 weeks after child birth is the most important period of recovering for every women. A health diet will have a long term health benefit for your body, as you once again need to deal with your hormone changes before you could physically and emotionally revert to your normal self. Your body has undergone enormous changes and needs time to get back into shape.
Mistletoe Slimming Tea’s natural active ingredients consumed during this period will help you get back into shape by strengthening your abdominal muscle and promotes womb contraction to prevent sagging tissues and provide natural support. It helps the healing process of your wound.

Effect 4: Lower Cholesterol and reduce blood lipids.

Accessive deposit of cholesterol plaques in your blood vessel will cause hardening and narrowing of coronary arteries.Therefore, maintaining good level of cholesterol is essential in preventing heart attack.
Mistletoe Slimming Tea, active ingredients provide a natural cleansing effect and good blood circulation that helps strengthen the cardiovascular system while painlessly dissolving arterial plaque to help avoid heart attack and stroke. It also reduce high blood pressure and help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Effect 5: Constipation Relief

Mistletoe Slimming Tea improves in the health of your colon lining and promotes a good water absorption that enable good bowel movements.